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The vast Quaid-e-Azam Campus, surrounded by the busy city areas, has grown over the years into a comprehensive center of academic activity. The College of Pharmacy, Fine Arts, Information and Technology and Oriental College are still located at the Allama Iqbal Campus. It is for the first time in 124 year history of the Punjab University that it has established a teaching campus outside Lahore. Click here for more detail.
The vast Quaid-e-Azam Campus, surrounded by the busy city areas, has grown over the years into a comprehensive center of academic activity. The College of Pharmacy, Fine Arts, Information and Technology and Oriental College are still located at the Allama Iqbal Campus. It is for the first time in 124 year history of the Punjab University that it has established a teaching campus outside Lahore. Click here for more detail.
The vast Quaid-e-Azam Campus, surrounded by the busy city areas, has grown over the years into a comprehensive center of academic activity. The College of Pharmacy, Fine Arts, Information and Technology and Oriental College are still located at the Allama Iqbal Campus. It is for the first time in 124 year history of the Punjab University that it has established a teaching campus outside Lahore. Click here for more detail.
The vast Quaid-e-Azam Campus, surrounded by the busy city areas, has grown over the years into a comprehensive center of academic activity. The College of Pharmacy, Fine Arts, Information and Technology and Oriental College are still located at the Allama Iqbal Campus. It is for the first time in 124 year history of the Punjab University that it has established a teaching campus outside Lahore. Click here for more detail.
The vast Quaid-e-Azam Campus, surrounded by the busy city areas, has grown over the years into a comprehensive center of academic activity. The College of Pharmacy, Fine Arts, Information and Technology and Oriental College are still located at the Allama Iqbal Campus. It is for the first time in 124 year history of the Punjab University that it has established a teaching campus outside Lahore. Click here for more detail.
The vast Quaid-e-Azam Campus, surrounded by the busy city areas, has grown over the years into a comprehensive center of academic activity. The College of Pharmacy, Fine Arts, Information and Technology and Oriental College are still located at the Allama Iqbal Campus. It is for the first time in 124 year history of the Punjab University that it has established a teaching campus outside Lahore. Click here for more detail.
The vast Quaid-e-Azam Campus, surrounded by the busy city areas, has grown over the years into a comprehensive center of academic activity. The College of Pharmacy, Fine Arts, Information and Technology and Oriental College are still located at the Allama Iqbal Campus. It is for the first time in 124 year history of the Punjab University that it has established a teaching campus outside Lahore. Click here for more detail.
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Divadelní, z části improvizační hra, kterak přesněji může být výklad Hamletova dramatu vnímán v kostce, v kouli, v kruhu, nedej bože v jiném geometrickém zakřivení časoprostoru. Malé Vinohradské divadlo - 7. Protože minulé představení proběhlo v úterý a předminulé ve čtvrtek, tak se logicky nabízí další představení udělat ve středu. A konkrétní termín je středa 7. Program MvD na prosinec zde. Neváhejte využít možnosti rezervace vstupenek zde.